Are you aware of Global Warming? That is obviously common question which you will get your attention to response what's on your mind and how this thing can be a part of your entire life. Sort of global awareness to all of us especially when you are thinking why this things happen to the world and how can affect this warning to your daily lives. As we conclude the Global Warning and all the facts about this are very serious things that we need to be aware of. Global Warming may cause a biggest changes to our mother Earth. As we observed and felt at this time all the phenomena and phenomenom that occurs as of this time to our planet. The killer typhoons, tsunami, earthquakes, floods, hot sun rays, diseases and more serious things caused of deaths to many people around the world that we have already experienced in this generation which due to big changes to our planet. Global Warming is the mean reason why all this things happen to our lives. So, are you aware of this so called Global Warming? What can you feel and do you imagine the big impact to the next generation? It so scary, right? As we assume after thousands of years, the planet will become dry, burning, dying and no life at all. What will you do? Let save our planet now! Right NOW!