
Transcibing the video is really time comsuming and wasting

You know what, transcribing is really hard for me to do. Know why? Because I'm not actually a good writer nor the good in hearing that can quick catch up what whoever talking from that video. Transcribing is for only I think for writer. The real writer not a blogger like to do a good job with this so called "transcribing" thing.

Transcribing is just a translating the video into words by words writing in the piece of paper or in a word pad document. It is easy to do if the person who is talking slowly in that video and will easily to write what word comes out from the person talking. You just write whatever or every single word of the person talking about from that video. It so really time consuming and really time wasting. You don't have anything to do about it but just do it because it is your task or work to do for just now and you will going to pass it to your boss because he need it right away. So, you need to finish it right now or else you get fired. :(

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